Monday, March 10, 2008

Wow!!!! I've been officially gone almost two weeks and it has been a whirlwind of experiences!! Our training is Sedona was awesome. We had so many great exercises to really create Hap Shim, one mind. I felt like I broke through some of my preconceptions. I really saw how much I need to stay quiet and inside. One of my biggest studies during this trip will be focusing on getting energy from inside instead of outside things or people. This has been a very difficult study always being with so many people. We also had an amazing oppertunity to get a training with Byuck Woon seun sun nim. We did some brain wave vibration training and some dahn mu, moving meditation. I could feel so deeply my connection to everything in the world. I could really feel how the whole universe and I were one and could feel the cosmic energy in the universe. All of the training we had really helped me to become clear about this journey and what our mission is.

1 comment:

Robert Beck said...

Ashley: It is so great to hear from you. We really miss you, so does Molly.
It is so exciting to hear about you new adventures and the thinks that you are doing. Really look forward to photos and videos.
Must have been very exciting to perform in front of so many people, but you are great at that. I am so proud of you.
I'll make this short just to make certain you receive it.

Love Dad